If you do not have element of competence in whatsoever you are doing, doesn’t matter what it is. In your job or as a heart surgeon. Whatever it is that you are doing you need to incorporate the element of competence in it. 

Here we are talking about everything in life. When everything in life has to have an element of competence, then you can differentiate between success and failure.

Those who fail, is because they are not adding the element of competence in what they do. When you do not add an element of competence in what you do the chances are that you are open up the risk of failure. If you want to succeed not only in your life’s vision, but succeed in everything that you are doing in your life. You must include an element of competence in the thing that you are doing.

If you do not have that element in what you do, then wake up, learn how to bring the element of competence in what you do.  Because if you do and bring that element of competence in whatever is that you are doing or planning to do, the chances are that you will succeed.

And your success depends on how you have engineered the element of competence in what you do. If the element of competence is not engineered in what you do, then God helps you, because God is a competent Creator and you need to learn putting element of competence in what is that you are doing in order to succeed. If you have not included the element of competence, then ask God to help you because you need some prayers. 

But, if you bring element of competence in what you do, then yous success is definitely on the horizon. And your success in that thing that you are doing is coming and is happening and will be achieved. That is why Dr Competence is doing

In Dr Competence, we are making sure to help people to put the Element of Competence in whatever is it that they are doing. We help people, businesses, organisations, Governments people from all walks of life. Without the element of competence everyone is at the risk of failure.

In Dr Competence that is what we do, for that reason, when we are talking about Life’s Vision and Dreams, and achieving it and go for it, is whether we have included the element of competence in achieving our life’s vision and dreams. And in all we are doing: performing, or going for it, planning for it, and then, carrying it on, to achieve that dream or that life’s vision. Whatever else we do in Dr Competence, we do it with the element of competence in it. This is the difference between what we do and the rest of the world do.

What is the definition of success? Success in Dr Competence is, when you have anything in your life that you are doing, either you are doing it successfully, or failing. If you are doing it successfully, you must have element of competence in it. So, success, without the element of competence is impossible.

Then you may ask, why some people achieve success without even heard about element  of competence. 

That is a good question. And the answer is because, unconsciously, some, miraculously, did it . Those who unconsciously did something with element of competence, they are also successful. They have achieved it, but not everyone can naturally do include the element of competence. However, some people might do.

Therefore, for the rest of us, to understand this, to learn this, to include the element of competence in what we do and to succeed, we welcome to learn it in Dr Competence.

To wake up and bring that element of competence in what we want successfully complete.  No matter what you are aiming at, success is success. Success means that something you planned and you wanted to be achieved, that is success. And when you include the element of competence in what you do want to achieve, then sure, that thing with element of competence in it, will be succeeded.   You will see, the word success right there in front of you, at the conclusion of whatever is that you are planning and you are going to do will be realised. To learn how to include element of competence in what you do, or planning to do to succeed see the next BLOG.